The Golf Tournament relies on both golfers and tournament sponsors to make the event a success. Tournament sponsors, hole sponsors, cart sponsors, and goodie bag sponsors all “chip in” to help the Brotherhood reach its ministry funding goal.
Title Sponsor
Patron’s sign on the Front of the Tournament Flyer.
Advertise on the front of the Event Brochure.
Two 4 golfer teams.
BBQ Meal following the event.
Goodie bag values at $80 per golfer.
Cost: $3,000 (1 available)
BBQ Sponsor
Patron’s sign on the BBQ station
Advertise on the inside of the Event Brochure.
Cost: $500 each (4 available)
Beverage Sponsor
Patron’s sign on the Beverage Cart
Cost: $500 each (2 available)
Driving Range Sponsor
Patron’s sign on the Driving Range
Cost: $500 (1 available)
Hole Sponsor
Patron’s sign on the sponsored hole
Cost: $300 each (18+ available)
Tournament Sponsor
Patron’s sign on the Front.
Advertise on the inside of the Event Brochure.
One 4 golfer team.
BBQ Meal following the event.
Goodie bag values at $80 per golfer.
Cost: $1,500 each (2 available)
Lunch Sponsor
Patron’s sign at lunch
Cost: $500 each (2 available)
Award Sponsor
Recognition at the Awards Ceremony
Cost: $500 each (2 available)
"Goodie Bag" Sponsor
Patron’s sign on the table with the Goodie Bags
Cost: $500 each (2 available)
Sponsor a Veteran
Golf Cart
BBQ Meal After Event
Goodie bag worth $80
Cost: $100 each
Please select the type of sponsorship you want and pay. If sponsoring a veteran enter their name(s) below.
Questions or changes contact: Peter Gilmour ph. 480-206-9242 email: