Each year, all the Brothers in the Diocese meet for an annual meeting, usually held in January. The Brothers meet for fellowship, worship, and talks by Brotherhood leaders aimed at helping the Brotherhood grow in numbers and effectiveness.
Our meeting for 2023 was be held on January 28 from 9AM to 3PM. The meeting was held in the fellowship Hall of Trinity Church, The Woodlands, 3901 S Panther Creek Dr, Spring, TX 77381.
We enjoyed an excellent exchange of ideas as to what is working for each chapter, an opportunity to present ideas for how the Diocesan leadership might be more supportive of chapter formation and of existing chapters. We had Tom Martin, National VP of Operations of the the Brotherhood speak to us . We also had a presentation by our Provincial Director Chris Matthews regarding how the Texas Assembly is doing.
We strongly encourage each chapter to have at least one representative to the annual meetings, we need your ideas and feedback!